
TheneighborhoodisconsideredoneofthemostdesirableplacestoliveinToronto.BothSouthandNorthRosedalehaveearnedtheHeritageConservationDistrict ...,ItislocatednorthofDowntownTorontoandisoneofitsoldestsuburbs.In2013,RosedalewasrankedthebestneighbourhoodinTorontotoliveinbyToronto ...,ManyofToronto'swealthiestandmostprominentcitizensresideintheRosedaleneighbourhood.Rosedaleisuniqueinthatitissurroundedby...

Rosedale Luxury Homes for Sale

The neighborhood is considered one of the most desirable places to live in Toronto. Both South and North Rosedale have earned the Heritage Conservation District ...

Rosedale, Toronto

It is located north of Downtown Toronto and is one of its oldest suburbs. In 2013, Rosedale was ranked the best neighbourhood in Toronto to live in by Toronto ...


Many of Toronto's wealthiest and most prominent citizens reside in the Rosedale neighbourhood. Rosedale is unique in that it is surrounded by beautiful ravines ...

Toronto's Rosedale Neighbourhood (Complete Guide)

This affluent area, renowned for its tree-lined streets, grand residences, and proximity to downtown Toronto, offers more than just architectural marvels. Today ...

Explore Rosedale

Rosedale is known for being surrounded by ancient ravines. The Vale of Avoca, Moore Park, Park Drive, and Rosedale Valley are just perfect for morning runs or ...

Rosedale History

Rosedale History. Rosedale began when Sherrif William Botsford Jarvis, and his wife Mary settled on a homestead here in the 1820's.

Rosedale Toronto Neighbourhood Guide

Rosedale is a prestigious and well-recognized neighbourhood in Toronto north of Bloor Street and sandwiched between Yonge Street and Bayview Avenue.

The history of the Rosedale neighbourhood in Toronto

Rosedale is filled with lush greenery, gorgeous homes and winding roads that welcome you to the neighbourhood. Known for being one of Toronto's wealthiest ...


Lifestyle: Rosedale residents living west of Mount Pleasant Road are within walking distance of the upscale shops and restaurants, located on Yonge Street, in ...